Dryvit Stucco Class Action Lawsuit Settlement
Trusted By The Courts, Attorneys Representing Both Stucco Homeowners and Dryvit Systems…

A national class action settlement involving Dryvit Systems, Inc., the nation’s largest manufacturer of exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS), was approved January 14, 2003.
Moisture Warranty Corporation acted as service provider for this settlement. As service provider, Moisture Warranty Corporation was responsible for assisting qualified claimants through the process of correcting any moisture problems they may have had with their exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS). This included the completion of a certified moisture inspection, the evaluation and completion of required repairs, and the issuance of the Dryvit Settlement Edition of the MoistureFree Warranty. All inspections, the warranty, and a portion of the repair costs were paid for as part of the settlement.

The MoistureFree Warranty was selected by Dryvit in an effort to provide a long-term solution to homeowners experiencing moisture problems with their Dryvit EIFS-clad homes. Since its introduction, the MoistureFree Warranty has been embraced by homeowners and Realtors seeking protection from moisture-related problems. Homeowners like the protection the warranty provides against ineffective repairs, and Realtors like it because it gives buyers the protection they want when they are considering the purchase of an EIFS home. Having a warranty helps preserve the value of a home when it is put on the market, and can substantially reduce the time it takes to sell the home.
Start Your Warranty Process Today
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